Monday, 6 March 2017

Improving Clips

An improvement i made was making the font on the black screen as big as possible. This makes it a lot more attention grabbing to the viewing audience and creates more of an effect whilst watching. As you can see the font is a lot bigger and stands out much more. I feel this will draw the audience in to the film as they will be asking themselves these questions i have  placed in my trailer keeping them wondering why the man is stalking her.



As well as this change to font size, i also shortened the longer questions asked on the black screen so that they fit onto one line. This again, creates more of an effect on the audience when they read the rhetorical questions as they are short and snappy drawing them into the film.


Adding Clips

During my trailer i have changed and improved many clips since my first draft.

When editing my trailer i included the input of new and improved shots i had took. I have now added a daylight clip of the stalker watching the victim at her home to show a broadened scale of how constant the stalking is. To make this edit clear to the audience i have added another black screen with writing, which i have used consistently throughout, projecting '24 hours'. 

I have also included clips from after the stalker captures the victim and it shows them in an unknown location where she is tied up. I have included these shots to show the audience how extreme the film gets as the young girl shows struggle and fear.

I like this close up shot of the victims face as it shows the fear and upset in her eyes. The camera slowly moves out at this point which creates a sympathetic effect on the audience towards the young girl. 

We also see clips of her trying to escape and finally cut lose from the tape keeping her in the chair. This gives a sense of relief to the audience as she may actually get away from the psychopath stalker. 

Their is a coffin in the back ground of this image which may not be noticed, however, it helps boost the creepy effect set in this messy basement she is help captive in and sets the scene a little bit more.